Monday, October 20, 2008

Technology in class..

Before I start, let me say sorry for not updating my blog. I had a hard time in this three weeks. I was busy doing other subject's work (I know I should not make this a reason for not doing this techno's work), I had a limited time to update my 'amalan' in last fasting month (really disappointed), and another sad thing - someone had stolen my PC =( 

Alhamdulillah.. Praise to God. I lost my old PC, He replaced it with a new laptop =)

Here, I did not want to say anything complex since I am still in the mood of raya. Maybe I could share my experience about my day in school on the week before raya. I entered two classes on that day. The 1st class, my friends did an experiment on pupils where they were given a set of questions and they had to complete them in a given time. My friend switched on his laptop and played songs (in intention to distract their attention) but it seemed like they were not distracted by the song at all and they managed to complete the questions in time. 

Secondly, I went into a standard two class to observe a lesson carried out by an English teacher. From our observation, teacher did not integrate any technology things (materials) during her teaching and pupils still interested in their learning. Pupils participate actively in the class. I was quite impressed by that situation. 

So what I am trying to say here is pupils do not care much about this technology things in class. They have their own styles and preferences in learning. We as future teachers have to know what and when to use technology in class. If we integrate technology in all lessons but the learning points are hardly understood by pupils, what is the use of it? In that case, it would be better if we just teach them using traditional method.

My advice here is, friends, think of the effectiveness and practicality of technology everytime you want to use it in class. Although technology has brought so many positive effects, please be careful when using it. Pupils' learning should be the main focus. Not the astonishing materials by us. Be wise in making decision okay =P 


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