Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Future classroom

We were asked to describe on future classroom. Maybe I could talk a bit about it.

Frankly speaking, I do not keep high expectation for the future classroom. I don't expect future classes to be equipped with superb high-tech tools and machines. For me, I think it would be enough if there are computer, internet and LCD projector in a classroom. Why do I need these three things? Computer would be the center of the learning process. I may exploit various programs and softwares in class in order to build different crucial skills in pupils. Internet would be the source of knowledge and information. I can bring anything in this world into my class by using it. Nothing would be possible when there is internet connection in class. Last one - LCD projector. Projector would be the medium of sharing. It would be meaningless of there is internet connection but it can be projected in front of the class. It would benefit the teacher alone since the others hardly see what contains in the computer screen manipulated by the teacher. It would be different when there is a projector, projecting all the things to the class. Pupils will benefit a lot from there.

I am not sure what kind of technology will be invented later. I do not want to think of it but one thing I really hope is - human create technology for good purposes and not for the other side's reasons.

I end my dream here. Thanks.  

Monday, October 20, 2008

Technology in class..

Before I start, let me say sorry for not updating my blog. I had a hard time in this three weeks. I was busy doing other subject's work (I know I should not make this a reason for not doing this techno's work), I had a limited time to update my 'amalan' in last fasting month (really disappointed), and another sad thing - someone had stolen my PC =( 

Alhamdulillah.. Praise to God. I lost my old PC, He replaced it with a new laptop =)

Here, I did not want to say anything complex since I am still in the mood of raya. Maybe I could share my experience about my day in school on the week before raya. I entered two classes on that day. The 1st class, my friends did an experiment on pupils where they were given a set of questions and they had to complete them in a given time. My friend switched on his laptop and played songs (in intention to distract their attention) but it seemed like they were not distracted by the song at all and they managed to complete the questions in time. 

Secondly, I went into a standard two class to observe a lesson carried out by an English teacher. From our observation, teacher did not integrate any technology things (materials) during her teaching and pupils still interested in their learning. Pupils participate actively in the class. I was quite impressed by that situation. 

So what I am trying to say here is pupils do not care much about this technology things in class. They have their own styles and preferences in learning. We as future teachers have to know what and when to use technology in class. If we integrate technology in all lessons but the learning points are hardly understood by pupils, what is the use of it? In that case, it would be better if we just teach them using traditional method.

My advice here is, friends, think of the effectiveness and practicality of technology everytime you want to use it in class. Although technology has brought so many positive effects, please be careful when using it. Pupils' learning should be the main focus. Not the astonishing materials by us. Be wise in making decision okay =P 


Friday, October 10, 2008

Smartboard Presentation

Before we handed in our smartboard assignment, we had gone through several lecture periods and during the periods, there were presentations by students. Prof Maznah and tutors commented on our presentations and from there, we made full use of their comments to improve out work. Thanks to all for the comments. They were really helpful. They made me more conscious about pupils' characteristics, their learning preferences, their proficiencies, etc. 

We had submitted our assignments.  What a relief... =) Hopefully Prof would be satisfied with our products.  We had tried our best to come out with good quality work. 

Thursday, August 21, 2008

SMARTBoard again??

Once again we were introduced to SMARTboard application.. but for this time, the new version of the software was used and explored. The presentation was given by Miss Fenny and her presentation was light, simple, compact and very meaningful. She showed us some sample activities, asking some of us to try out the activities, and lastly asked us to explore the software and come up with our own activities for primary school pupils. Then, we had to present our materials in front of the class.

Learning theories would not bring much effect until we practice and try them out. To see the effects, and also the practicality of the application (software), we were given another assignment which requires us to develop materials and activities for primary school pupils. This would be the best time for me to explore the software to the fullest. Hope I am able to come up with interesting activities for the assignment.

Friends, let's show what we have then. All the best.!

Video? Huh Finally....

I manage to complete my project within the time given. Thanks to lecturer and all the assistants for your help and guidance in my way to complete the video. Thanks for the sample videos you showed us earlier, and also thanks for all the tips given. They were really helpful for me in order to create an effective video for primary pupils outside. Hope that the video would be highly accepted by all thus, exploited it in teaching and learning (T&L) processes for the benefits of primary school pupils.

Let's see how many people will watch my video in youtube. I bet the number would reach thousands since I have 'famous imported actors' acting for my video. You know who they are right? =P

Educational webs

Fourth week lecture was presented by Miss Chin on some useful educational webs and portals such as EduwebTV,, Portal Pendidikan,, and many others to be explored in class for the benefit of both pupils and teachers. Teachers may explore the webs with pupils in class since the webs provide us with lots of activities to be discovered and exploited. Besides, the webs also offer updated information concerning on the educational issues. So friends, let’s us take this opportunity to explore and make full use of these webs in our way to be good teachers.

This week also would be a very busy period for me since I had to finalized my video project. For the project, I had chosen a very simple topic to be introduced to pupils. I hope my “Let’s save water” video could bring positive impacts in pupils life as they would start practicing what had been presented in the video. Let’s work on the video.!

Monday, July 28, 2008

A.S.S.U.R.E Model

Analyze Learners
State Objectives
Select Methods, Media and Materials
Utilize Media and Materials
Require Learner Participation
Evaluate and Revise
ASSURE Model presented had changed my perception about Teaching and Learning (T&L) processes carried out in class. When carefully looking at the model, I could see that teaching profession is not that easy as being claimed by people outside. To conduct a lesson, teacher has to consider the characteristics of learners, objectives of the lesson, the most effective methods and strategies to be used as well as the materials which will be utilized in the lesson. In addition, an excellent teacher will think and consider opportunities for the learners to participate in the T&L processes. All these elements are important in conducting a meaningful lesson in class. Excellent teachers also will spend some moments for reflection and evaluation on the learning process and try to find ways to improve their future Teaching and Learning processes.
Thanks and congratulations to Miss Chin for the very meaningful and successful presentation on the model. This would be a good start for me in my way of becoming a good teacher in future time.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Second lecture promises us with clearer and clearer views on our video project. Before this, lecturer had explained about the task but i myself was not clear about that. I understand the task but still did not have ideas how to shoot, how to create the video.

From the lecture, we had been exposed to sample videos and some programs @ softwares that we could use to create the video. From there, i had some ideas and i had determined on what i am going to do for my video. In fact, in my group, we have some experts in movie maker and also one of my friend is a good animator. By having them in my group, i feel more confident to complete the task. Hope i manage to create the video as soon as possible. Pray for me okay!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

How we as a teacher will be learning?

People say that teachers are one of the most knowledgeable group in this world. I am not sure when and from where did this statement come. For me, it seems like the statement is true. I agree that teachers are one of them. Why do I say so? Because.... engineers mostly work with machines, and their learning is focused more to machines (of course they also concern on things happen around them but that is for their own satisfaction, not a very serious business). Doctors focus on the diseases and medicines, architects on plans, and so to others, but teachers? How about teachers?

Teachers have very different life from the others. Teachers deal with a very flexible creature - LEARNERS.! This flexible learners are alive!! When ten learners could have ten different behaviours, there would be forty DIFFERENT behaviours that a teacher have to attend to in a class at ONE time.! Try to imagine one student ask about football, another student ask about flowers, another one about movies, the others about tuition, homework, cars, computers, animals, buildings, planets, school issues, world issues, and other thousands of things happen in this world. Imagine how knowledgeable the teacher if he/she manages to answer ALL the questions! In fact, teachers always manage to do so since they know their responsibilities. They have expected all those questions would appear in class and they are always READY for that. That is why what we called TEACHERS - very well-equipped with knowledge and ready to share with others.

Nowadays, teachers' life is getting easier and easier although the challenges are getting bigger and harder. Technology has provided as wide as the universe of knowledge for teachers to learn and master them. Teachers do not have to run to a library anymore, reading hundred different books to learn hundred different topics. What teachers can do now is, switch on their computer or laptop, surf the internet for ALL the topics in just a few minutes. Very easy.!

Besides reading independently, teachers may also have interactions with the experts online. Teachers may ask for suggestions, advices, and share what they have with them. Teachers also could learn on how to be effective teachers, how to improve on classroom management, how to maintain students' disciplines, and many more. It is very easy to improve ourselves when having this great technology in our life.

My advice for teachers outside, and also for myself, although we have to attend classes for five days a week in school, we still HAVE to have our own class at home for our own benefits and improvement. So teachers, please make use of technology to the fullest.

Friday, July 11, 2008

How technology is going to affect how your students are going to be learning?

21st century promises us the unlimited access to knowledge by just simple clicks on the keyboard and mouse of a computer (or laptop). Technology which has been introduced in this era has brought billions of paths for us in improving our educational system.

Technology brings improvement in students' learning process especially in school. In school, students are seen as more interested in learning through the use of technology. Computer is always the most preferable tool to be used in class. Students like to explore different functions that computer has. It contains colourful pictures, harmonic sounds, wonderful animations and videos to be explored by the students.

Computer also provides them with programs which could help them develop mature thinking skills and also organisational skills. For example, by using Microsoft Word, they could learn how to make charts, graphs, statistics and other organisational skills. Besides, arrangement of files in correct folders and drives also could help them to develop their management skills. These skills are important for them to be a person who is smart in organizing his/her life.

Another interesting tool which has been introduced to the education field is SMART board. I glad we have this intelligent invention in our field although the use of it is still not wide enough. I understand the situation - the tool involves very huge costs and we have thousands of school in our country to be equipped with this thing. I know that our Ministry of Education will struggle to equip this board in schools in the future due to its effectiveness. Using this tool, teaching and learning (T&L) processes would be more meaningful and interacting since teachers could get students participate very actively in class. The board functions well since it combines the modern programs in computer (or laptop) with the traditional 'chalk and talk' method (of course not using chalk anymore but the method is still the same since it requires hand-writing). Using the board, students could learn both skills (technology and physical) at one time. How lucky students nowadays.

Technology also has widen the learning process for students. In the past, students only learn during school hours and maybe plus a little bit when having tuition. Now, the scenario has changed. No longer limited to that specific hours, technology provides them with unlimited access at every single moment. They could learn at any hour they prefer and they could learn independently.

So, we have to be thankful for the existence of all these great technologies, use them wisely, and be a great khalifah on this beloved earth.

SMART Teachers and SMART Teaching and Learning (T&L)

Assalamualaikum.. Okay, for the first formal post. Firstly i would like to wish my congratulations to Prof Dr Raja Maznah for her great presentation. I really like the idea of PLEaSE (Personalize Learning Environment and Student Engagement) which had been presented. To be a good and successful teacher, we need to provide a very conducive and encouraging learning environment for the students all the time either it is outside class activities or inside the classroom itself. PLEaSE illustrates a very good student-centered learning environment where students are responsible to engage themselves to the fullest in their learning.

Prof also had introduced the 12Cs of Smart Teaching and Learning (T&L) where the stress was on the Connecting, Community and Collaboration. These 3Cs are important in providing a very tight relationship among the students. When they are bind together, the learning would become more meaningful and more successful since they work as a group, leaving no one behind.There are also another 4Cs which will contribute to the successful T&L activities. They are Creativity, Curriculum change, Content creation, and Compatible to learning styles. These 4Cs are crucial in preparing generations who are not totally fastened to the existing curriculum and the styles of T&L strategies but the generations who are creative and innovative besides being responsible for their learning. With the Cs presented, all parties are not only given opportunities, but also are responsible to contribute to the development of successful T&L processes, therefore making Malaysia known by others as a nation with great education systems.